Season 6 Episode 6:

Lori La Bey

Lori La Bey created Alzheimer’s Speaks, an educational, advocacy, and media outlet in 2009.  She co-founded Dementia Map global resource directory during Covid in honor of her mother who lived with dementia for 30 years.  Recently, she joined forces to co-host and co-produce Conscious Caregiving with L & L, which tackles tough conversations on care.

Lori’s goal has always been to shift dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world. She does this by raising all voices, as she knows we can’t make sustainable change without being inclusive.

She has been recognized by Oprah and Maria Shriver for her work.  She offers a variety of free resources to educate, empower, connect, and decrease stigmas; helping families and professionals live graciously alongside dementia.

Lori’s signature keynote story Betty the Bald Chicken – Lessons in How to Care, is now a children’s book that engages all ages. She is an international speaker known for her multiple platforms and training programs.

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